
Why Us? Reality Project Based Leadership and Education

Higher education in the 21st century is impelled by competitive global forces that require pedagogies, technologies, structures, and research to become truly innovative for dynamic progress.

While the United States has witnessed an unprecedented expansion of its educational competencies and skill bases over the past decades, there seems to be a persistent gap between the kind of knowledge and skills that are most in demand in the workplace, and those that training systems continue to provide. Therefore, in a rapidly evolving educational ecosystem, it is important to ensure that education and training focus on closing this employability gap between precise workplace needs, and the content, quality, and validity of educational programs geared for the workplace.

With innovative technology as a key economic driver to close the prevalent skills and employment gaps in the economy, it is necessary to streamline and focus the process of technology diffusion in higher education. In this context, the triple constraints of time, cost, and quality that comprise the core parameters of project management can be gainfully applied for improved processes and positive results. This is because project management (PM) has inherent efficiencies: a rigorously planned approach; goal-orientation; resource optimization; time compression; and, phase-by-phase progress toward economical execution and successful realization of project goals. PM could therefore be a critical contributor to optimizing project-based learning (PBL) efficiencies.

For us, project-based learning means creating learning experiences that engage the heart, hands, and heads of all students. Through our automated project-based learning, students tend to benefit from the following:

  • Emotionally Engaged: The project is relevant to students. They see how their work will impact the things and people they care about.
  • Actively Engaged: Students take an active role throughout the learning process. They design solutions, build prototypes, create models, pitch ideas, and more.
  • Cognitively Engaged: Throughout the project, students construct knowledge and solve problems, gaining the key knowledge, skills, and understandings to be successful in school and beyond.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Our MBA program offers a wide range of courses in the essentials of economics, finance, accounting, marketing, strategy, organizational behavior and operations management. Students may concentrate their studies in Information Systems, Data Analytics, or Digital Art and Media.

The MBA degree requires 48 units, which can be completed at an accelerated pace in 12-months or spread out over multiple years. Once admitted, students have the option of selecting a plan of study that best suits them. Courses are offered face-to-face, completely online or in a hybrid format which combines online study along with face-to-face meetings. 

The goal of the MBA program is to prepare students to become leaders in the global business environment. Graduates will understand the theories and concepts necessary to be applied in solving problems in the global business environment. The measurable objectives of the programare:

  • Develop students with strong management skills and be able to apply critical and analytical thinking,
  • Develop students with leadership skills and communication skills to perform effectively with teams andorganizations,
  • Develop students to apply business knowledge in problem solving and decisionmaking,
  • Develop graduates with applications of technology withinbusiness.

Download MBA Brochure

Master of Science in Computer Science

Our Master of Science degree in CS offers a variety of benefits, including the ability to improve upon emerging software technologies and applications. Students may concentrate their studies in Mobile App Development, Data Analytics, or Digital Art and Media.

The MS in CS degree requires 48 units, which can be completed at an accelerated pace in 12-months or spread out over multiple years. Once admitted, students have the option of selecting a plan of study that best suits them. Courses are offered face-to-face, completely online or in a hybrid format which combines online study along with face-to-face meetings. 

The goal of the Computer Science program is to prepare students to combine the fundamental knowledge and best practices for software engineering, database theory and design, and cloud computing. Our focus is on developing essential communication skills to enable graduates to clearly discuss issues and solutions with both technical and non-technical audiences. The measurable objectives of the programare:

  • Design advanced software and systems to optimize resources and produce results
  • Develop computational technologies for data-driven decisions
  • Build and implement effective IT organizational structure within businesses
  • Develop critical thinking and ability to analyze and synthesize computer science concepts and skills with ethical standards.

Download MS in CS Brochure

All programs are instructed in English or Chinese Onsite or Online.

Speak with an Admissions Counselor for more details.

California University is a nonprofit 501(c)3 public charity organization under Da Vinci Education Foundation. It located in Silicon Valley, California.