
Students may apply for the California University Scholarship for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Quarters for tuition credit. These scholarships are funded through the University’s General Fund.

Eligibility: The student must: a) be currently enrolled; b) have a GPA of 3.0 or higher; c) show no outstanding balances.

Restrictions: Students may apply for only three scholarships per year.

Application Procedure: Students must apply during the first week of the quarter of the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer quarters. Applications are available in the Dean’s Office. Completed applications should be submitted to the Dean of Academic Affairs. Nominees are presented to the President for final approval. Awards will be made at the end of the quarter with adjustments made to the student’s account.

Criteria for Scholarship Awards: The Scholarship Committee will consider the student’s a) GPA; b) contributions made to the University; and c) contributions made to the community.

Amounts of Scholarships: The University may award $500 to a graduate student per quarter.